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The Rapture Controversy: What Does The Bible Say?

Are you wondering what the Bible says about the rapture? In this article, we will explore the topic of the rapture and what the Bible says about it. Most importantly, we will review the pre-tribulational rapture doctrine and compare it to the light of scriptures. By the end, I hope…
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Who Can Cast Out Demons?

Unfortunately, today not many churches are teaching about deliverance. It was a regular and significant part of Jesus’ ministry and the early church. What does the Word say about it?
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Religious Shame: Are You Affected?

Religious shame is unfortunately deeply ingrained in many people's hearts. In this post, we'll examine symptoms of religious shame and how you should deal with it. There is freedom!
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Are you multiplying?

As a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ, multiplication is a big part of our walk with Him. It comes in many shapes and forms so we've written a short…
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